Environment object schema
The environment object allows you to query information about a particular model based on environmentId
The Example queries illustrate a few fields you can query with this environment
object. Refer to Fields to view the entire schema, which provides all possible fields you can query.
When querying for environment
, you can use the following arguments.
Field | Type | Required? | Description |
id | BigInt! | Yes | The environment id for this model |
userId | BigInt | No | UserId for a development environment |
Example queries
You can use your production environment's id
query Example {
environment(id: 834){ # Get the latest state of the production environment
applied { # The state of an executed node as it exists as an object in the database
models(first: 100){ # Pagination to ensure manageable response for large projects
edges { node {
uniqueId, name, description, rawCode, compiledCode, # Basic properties
database, schema, alias, # Table/view identifier (can also filter by)
executionInfo {executeCompletedAt, executionTime}, # Metadata from when the model was built
tests {name, executionInfo{lastRunStatus, lastRunError}}, # Latest test results
catalog {columns {name, description, type}, stats {label, value}}, # Catalog info
ancestors(types:[Source]) {name, ...on SourceAppliedStateNode {freshness{maxLoadedAt, freshnessStatus}}}, # Source freshness }
children {name, resourceType}}} # Immediate dependencies in lineage
totalCount } # Number of models in the project
definition { # The logical state of a given project node given its most recent manifest generated
models(first: 100, filter:{access:public}){ # Filter on model access (or other properties)
edges { node {
rawCode, # Compare to see if/how the model has changed since the last build
jobDefinitionId, runGeneratedAt, # When the code was last compiled or run
contractEnforced, group, version}}} # Model governance
With the deprecation of the data type Int
for id
, below is an example of replacing it with BigInt
query ($environmentId: BigInt!, $first: Int!) {
environment(id: $environmentId) {
applied {
models(first: $first) {
edges {
node {
executionInfo {
With the deprecation of modelByEnvironment
, below is an example of replacing it with environment
query ($environmentId: BigInt!, $uniqueId: String) {
environment(id: $environmentId) {
applied {
modelHistoricalRuns(uniqueId: $uniqueId) {
When querying an environment
, you can use the following fields.
Fetching data...
When querying the applied
field of environment
, you can use the following fields.
Fetching data...
When querying the definition
field of environment
, you can use the following fields.